


Launching the new Academy!

The course is set.

To keep up pays off! After years of legal dispute today the new Werner Schlager GmbH finally signed an agreement with the insolvency administrator. The first steps of restructuring are done, practice is going on and will be soon even better! The design of the homepage will change, too - but this will take some time. Yours, Werner Schlager


Photo: ITTF

32 WSA-players at the Team-WCS in Malaysia

These days it is getting unusually calm at the WSA. Where otherwise each of the normally 24 tables is used from morning to evening, some are now vacant.

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Photo: Sanchez Luna

Congrats to Venezuela and Puerto Rico

The ITTF Latin American Championships which were held in San Juan, Puerto Rico last week were a huge success for the female players of Venezuela and Puerto Rico.

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Photo: WSA

5 WSA players at the ITTF Europe Top 16 tournament

From 5th to 7th of February the second most important tournament in Europe - after the European Championships - will take place in Gondomar, Portugal.

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