5 WSA players at the ITTF Europe Top 16 tournament


Photo: WSA

From 5th to 7th of February the second most important tournament in Europe - after the European Championships - will take place in Gondomar, Portugal. 4 out of 16 male players at the ITTF Europe Top 16 are permanent WSA players. The two Portuguese Marcos Freitas and Joao Monteiro as well as the Austrians Robert Gardos and Stefan Fegerl managed to qualify for this event. A fifth out of the 16 players (Alexander Shibaev) also used to have his training base at Schwechat until last year.


Also at the women’s competition a WSA-player is fighting for a good ranking and the possible direct qualification for the World Cup: Tetyana Bilenko who plays for the WSA-partner club SVNÖ Ströck.


We are very happy that the hard work at the WSA becomes noticeable through the ever ameliorating World Ranking positions of our players and wish them all the best for this important tournament.

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