WSA-Players (Women) on the rise!


Tetyana Bilenko
Photo: K. Bartuschek

Tetyana Bilenko (Ukraine), who has reached the ninth place at the World Championships 2013 in Paris and plays for the reigning Austrian Team Champion SVNÖ STRÖCK, could go upward by 26 places. Reaching the quarter finals at the Qatar Open she improved on rank 62.


Her team mate Tamolwan Khetkuen (Thailand) who has been guided for almost five years by the Werner Schlager Academy (WSA) almost reached the Top 100 in the world. With her win at the Junior Open in Hodonin she rose from rank 118 to 105. Having a look at the Under-18 ranking she gets eleventh rank and is the best non-Chinese or non-Japanese.


The Hungarian Dora Madarasz (as well SVNÖ STRÖCK player) has reached her top ranking so far with the current rank 71.


But the Chinese still dominate the world ranking: Ding Ning is number one before the Olympic Champion Li Xiaoxia and Liu Shiwen.


You can find the complete world ranking here:

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