WSA-Players (Men) on the top!


In the current world ranking published by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) the players of the Werner Schlager Academy (WSA) have sensationally climbed upwards.


The reigning European Team Champion Joao Monteiro from Portugal who is a permanent member of the international WSA training group with residence in Schwechat, rose by 20 places up to rank 29 (which is the best ranking of his career).


His team mate Marcos Freitas as number 9 has lodged himself in the Top 10 of the world and is the number 2 in Europe behind the German Dimitrij Ovtcharov (current rank: 7).


Furthermore pleasant is the ranking of the ÖTTV national team players who have their training base at the WSA in Schwechat. Robert Gardos (ranked as number 18 in the world and number 4 in Europe) has reached his best ranking so far as well as Daniel Habesohn (number 48) and Stefan Fegerl (number 50).


The new number one is Ma Long followed by his team mates from China Xu Xin, Fan Zhedong and Zhang Jike.


You can find the complete world ranking here:

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