WSA Kids the Definite Leaders in Europe



The ITTF has released its latest world rankings. In the men (Xu Xin, Zhang Jike, Ma Long) as the ladies (Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen, Li Xiaoxia) give the players from China the rights to set the tone.


Even the junior rankings (Under 21, Under 18, Under 15) are dominated by players from Asia and China.


In the middle, two kids from Austria: Caroline Mischek and Andreas Levenko are a factor front and center the Under-15 World Ranking and especially in the European ranking.


Caroline Mischek (TTC Flötzersteig Vienna) and Andreas Levenko (Baden AC) have both trained since the founding of the Werner Schlager Academy in the WSA and go to high school in Schwechat. For two years, the WSA-coaching staff working under the direction of head coach Richard Prause, Dirk Wagner and Mario Amizic meticulously and with great success in the development of the WSA players from around the world. Particular attention is paid to young talents like just Mischek and Levenko.


And with great success:


In the January ITTF World Ranking, Caroline Mischek was printed in the U-15 ranking as number 31, with number 32 for Andreas Levenko. Even more impressive, the placement of the two kids in Europe: Andreas Levenko whose father Dmitrij also works as a trainer in the Werner Schlager Academy is Europe's Number 6; for Caroline Mischek eight is the number.


Both ÖTTV talents have the chance to work for qualifying for the Youth Olympic Games in 2014 (August 17 to 28) and thus they may be where table tennis is always in the spotlight: In China (Nanjing).

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