WSA at the ECS in Russia


Photo: ETTU

24 WSA-players from 15 nations – Schwechat sends the biggest team to the European Championships in Russia…



The international training- group of the Werner Schlager Academy is present at the table tennis European Championships in Russian Jekaterinburg from 25th September to the 4th of October with a bombastic contingent.


Not less than 24 players from 15 different countries who permanently or to a predominant part live in Schwechat, will compete in the continental title-matches.


Some of the “Schwechater” travel to Russia with large (medal-) aspirations.

All in front the Portuguese World-Ranking 9th Marcos Freitas who will be seeded as number 2 in the singles event and on top has to defend the gold medal in the teams event from last year (together with another Schwechater: Joao Monteiro).


Chances for a medal are also good for the Austrian Men, the WSA-player Tetyana Bilenko (from WSA partner club SVNÖ Ströck) and Daniela Dodean-Monteiro who lives in Schwechat since 5 years already and together with her Romanian team is counted to the favorites.



The WSA contingent in Jekaterinburg:


Portugal: Marcos Freitas, Joao Monteiro

Austria: Chen Weixing, Robert Gardos, Daniel Habesohn, Dominik HAbesohn, Stefan Fegerl

Italy: Mihai Bbocica, Niagol Stoyanov

Czech Republic: Tomas Konecny, Lubomir Jancarik

Bulgaria: Stanislay Golovanov

Luxembourg: Eric Glod

England: Daniel Reed



Austria: Li Qianbiing

Croatia: Lea Rakovac (SVNÖ Ströck)

Ukraine: Tetyana Bilenko (SVNÖ Ströck)

Sweden: Matilda Ekholm (SVNÖ Ströck)

Slovenia: Alex Galic

Israel: Nicole Trosman

Swizerland : Rahel Aschwanden

Serbia : Andrea Todorovic

Luxembourg: Sarah de Nutte

Romania: Daniela Dodean-Monteiro



Further information and results you can find here :

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