Worldwide Coverage



The Chinese Ma Long and Ding Ning are the Austrian Open Champions, an event held at the Werner Schlager Academy in the Multiversum in Schwechat.




Around 6,000 guests attended the 5-day event in the competition hall, watching the greatest in sport, with praise all around for the excellent organization.  Particularly noteworthy was the unprecedented global TV coverage, capping off the memory of the first ITTF Pro Tour tournament in Schwechat.


Singapore Sun TV broadcast live all the matches from the quarterfinals on, as well as did Guangzhou TV.  There were also an hour-long live coverage on China's sports channel CCTV 5, Malaysia-TV, Hong Kong Cable TV, Myanmar-TV, and Tokyo TV.  The ORF extensive offering ensured that the images could go around the world.


Table Tennis in ORF was 14 hours – this has never happened before . . .

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