World Cup Fever in Düsseldorf and Linz


At the Men’s World Cup in Düsseldorf (24. – 26. Oct) the international training group of the Werner Schlager Academy (WSA) is represented by two famous players: Austria’s number one Robert Gardos and Portugal’s newly European Team Champion Marcos Freitas.


At this tournament the Chinese star players Ma Long and World Champion Zhang Jike are supposed to be the favourites who are hunted by the German superstars Dimitrij Ovtcharov and Timo Boll and Marcos Freitas as well who has continuously played on a very high level in the last months and is number seven of the seeding list.


In Linz where the Women’s World Cup took place at the last weekend the Chinese players dominated their competitors. In the end Ding Ning could beat Olympic Champion Li Xiaoxia in the final match with 4-0.


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