Visit of ‚Juanito‘




Considering his age, some players at the various ITTF tournaments could be his grandsons, but the Spanish old pro himself can’t be left on the shelf.




With his redoubtable playing style (left handed penholder) and gently block He Zhiwen aka ‘Janito’ continues being the absolute European elite despite his proud table tennis age of 51 years. "22 matches in five days are no problem for me," he said with a twinkle in his eye to the young Austrian players.

For a week the native Huangyan (China) Spanish player brought a welcome diversion and complementary training into the everyday life of the top players at the Werner Schlager Academy. Especially in view to upcoming major events, such a training opportunity certainly is no disadvantage.

Also for the host, Werner Schlager, He Zhiwen had only soft words: "You are looking so young!"

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