Visit at the highest level


Photo: K. Bartuschek

Some spectacular visitors arrived at the Werner Schlager Academy for the Champions-League match SVNÖ Ströck against Szekszard AC.


Chen Huaiyu, General Manager of the Bank of China, and his assistant Wei Wang took the chance to visit the WSA during the match on the last Monday.


The highest-ranking and honourable visitors were put in contact with the WSA by Robert Denks – Raiffeisen International’s Executive Director – and Shan Luo, who is responsible for the businesses in China at Raiffeisen Interntional.


The delegation of the Bank of China was impressed by the Multiversum complex (represented by CEO Peter Simersky), the WSA and the women’s team.


High-ranking guests from China visit Schwechat and the WSA frequently. They aim at a long-term collaboration to create a win-win-situation for all involved partners.


In return Chen Huaiyu and Wei Wang invited WSA-CEO Martin Sörös to visit the Bank of China headquarters in Budapest.


Photo (from right to left): Wei Wang, Martin Sörös, Chen Huaiyu, Shan Luo, Robert Denks

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