Victory in Wels



It was a festival of success for members of the Werner Schlager Academy training group at the 2011 Austrian Championships in Wels.


Four members of the WSA training group 1, Stefan Fegerl, Daniel Habesohm, Chen Weixing, and Dominik Platter all stood proudly at the winner's podium.

The WSA youngsters, Stefan Leitgeb, Simon Pepper, Thomas Daxböck and Patrick Windisch all produced excellent performances in the qualification competitions, indicating a bright future ahead.


Women from the Werner Schlager Academy training community won both a gold and a bronze medal.  Li Qiangbing, a member of the WSA SVS STRÖCK, in a sensational 4-3 victory over series champion Liu Jia, won her first individual title, while Nicole Galitschitsch secured the bronze.


Gold in men's doubles went to the brothers Daniel and Dominik Habesohn and the gold in Mixed Doubles was won by the „Love Duo“ of Stefan Fegerl and Li Qiangbing.


Success was also reported from Buzau (Romania) as WSA player Daniela Dodean ( SVS STRÖCK) won the title with a 4-2 final victory over the Elisabetha Samara at the national championships in Romanian.

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