The youth reports



Europe's youth table tennis is a guest in Schwechat. The European Youth Championships - the annual highlight for the best young players on the continent are here at the WSA.

For almost 14 days a state of emergency in the airport town near Vienna has been called.

For us the organizers, this Championships also are a good reason to let the youth have their say.

Starting with Wednesday and every day to follow a member of the Austrian national junior and cadet team will be leaving the personal impressions of the title fights in "MY EURO" as a kind of diary. It is a platform by young people for young people. And for the young at heart.

The first to record his impressions is on Wednesday 11 July, the 14-year-old Andreas Levenko who lives in Schwechat since the opening of the WSA and also goes to high school here.

Andreas Levenko represents the European Youth Championships in the single-cadet, cadet doubles, cadet mixed competition and the team event. What did he think before the European Championship for the youth?


We will know on Wednesday. . .

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