The WSA Missiles



The first full year of operations at the Werner Schlager Academy has now been completed.  We can now, through the recently released new ITTF World Rankings, more readily understand the impact the Academy has had on the sport.


From the opening of the Center in Schwechat, the Austrian players, under the daily training and conditioning directed by head coach Richard Prause, Dirk Wagner and Mario Amizic and other staff members, have made exorbitant jumps in the world rankings.


Below are the players, with the ranking changes noted from January 2011 highlighted.


Daniel Habesohn: 119> 100
Stefan Fegerl: 152> 108
Dominik Habesohn: 422> 283
Martin Storf: 481> 294
Stefan Leitgeb: 776> 622
Simon Pfeffer: 980> 650
Nicole Galitschitsch: 677> 416


The latest rankings list show some international stars regularly training at the WSA making strong moves also.

Mihai Bobocica (Italy) from last month of 122 to 73rd place.
Mattis Burgis (Latvia) climbed four places from 124 to 120

Daniela Dodean (Romania / Ströck SVS) from 47 to 42

And only in recent weeks training at the WSA Canadian Eugene Wang catapulted to 94th from position 149.

The WSA many-term guest also includes Thailand's exceptional talent Tamolwan Khetkuen. Within the Women's ranks, she moved from 566 to 391 and is now ranked 11th in the Under-15 World Ranking.

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