Support Christian Scheiber


Photo: Scheiber

Since 2013 Christian Scheiber, born in Burgenland, practices at the Werner Schlager Academy in Schwechat. Already 3 times in the past he won the national championship in class 7. What an extraordinary success.  Now he has a new goal in mind and therefore needs your support: the Paralympics 2020.


Christian therefore uses the platform “I believe in you”, to promote his project and find supporters. Join him and help Christian to realize his dream!

“Dear supporters:

Olympia! When I first saw Olympic Games in television, the shiny eyes of the athletes, the five big rings that stand for the continents, the best sportsmen of the world who come together to compete against each other, I set this huge goal for myself: I want to participate at Olympic games.

I am Christian, I’m 30 years old and play table tennis since 3 years. Since I was born I have a malformation on both arms. No one was ever able to find out why. I always loved sports and finally found my biggest passion in playing table tennis. Before I also played tennis and football but nothing ever fascinated me as much as the fastest sport in the world. You have to move so fast, make decisions in split seconds, estimate rotation, speed and placement correctly, read the opponent and his tactics and counterattack with the right strategy. It is somehow like high-speed chess.

In Austria I’m already triple national champion in my class, but to be able to compete internationally, I have to become even stronger. For the Paralympics there are only 20 places. Therefore I have to be ranked amongst the best 20 players of the world, so that I can represent Austria at this event. I train minimum 5 times a week. Next to table tennis I also do endurance and weight-training. One member of my trainer team is my table tennis coach Fabian. On weekends I usually play championship, where I also participate in the non-disabled competitions to have even more matches.

The high intensity of training, the big number of competitions and the right equipment are very important so that I can come closer to my big goal which are the Paralympics 2020 in Tokio.

Next season I want to reach a place at the top with my new team so that we can ascend to the higher class, the 2nd league in Burgenland. My personal goal is a good ranking in the end and a gain of 200 points for the Austrian ranking. Also internationally I want to gain experience while participating at different tournaments.

For that I really need your help!”

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