Ratings from the 2012 STRÖCK-Youth Championships



Only now have statistics been released on the results of the European Association STRÖCK Youth Championships in July 2012 held in the Werner Schlager Academy in Schwechat.




Reminder: A record-breaking almost 70,000.000 clicks for the event were posted on the live scoring section of the website. The SW 1 and ORF and the Austrian print media reported in detail the STRÖCK-Youth Championships activities from Schwechat despite imminent OIympic Summer Games in London.


Now to the latest statistics, which were provided to us by the European Association ETTU. The live coverage of ETTU partner online TV channel LAOLA were broadcast in no fewer than 20 countries.


Here are some interesting and highly pleasing details:


20,675 people in the U.S. (!) followed the event on LaolaTV, this sensational as 7692 table tennis fans from Thailand (!).


Most viewers came from Germany: 164,904, which is an increase compared to the European Youth Championships of 2011 at 7.6 percent.


36,627 table tennis fans from Russia were on LaolaTV via live performances, what a whopping increase compared to 2011 by 33 percent (!).


From Austria at the STRÖCK European Youth Championships 20,003 viewers via Internet TV were there, so that the audience was 32 percent more than in 2011.


All in all, statistics show that Internet traffic at table tennis events increase more and more, the national and international advertising value for the partners gets bigger and bigger with it and above all, that expectations for access and transmission speeds and broadcast quality for the European Championships in the Werner Schlager Academy in Schwechat 2013 (October 4 to 13) are legitimately viewed as upwards. What a partner can look forward to . . .

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