Prause in continuous use


One of the busiest men at the World Cup in Rotterdam is certainly WSA Head coach Richard Prause.

He is (according to an agreement between the WSA and the Iranian Association) primarily responsible for Iran's national team and played (as a first success) a significant role in the qualification matches of Iran’s number 1, Noshade Alamiyan, who made his way through into the main draw.

On Tuesday Prause was the coach for 3 nations within a few hours.


Joao Monteiro, who lives in Schwechat since the summer of 2010, asked Prause, to coach him in the match against Gao Ning (Singapore).


It was the first-round performance by Alamiyan against the Croatian Zoran Primorac.


The ÖTTV team had four players in the first-round. So Richard Prause was again sitting behind the box, as a coach of Daniel Habesohn against China's star Chen Qi.

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