Olympic tickets for the WSA Stars



Today - one day after the World Cup in Rotterdam – the released world rankings made it clear. It made clear which 28 players receive their direct starting place for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.


For the stars of the Werner Schlager Academy it’s time to celebrate.


The following saved their tickets for the Olympic Games:

Werner Schlager - Although the World and European Champion did not take part in the World Cup due to an injury (inflammation of some nerves in the neck), he is in the relevant Olympic-adjusted world rankings

(2 starters per country) on a secure 15th place.

Chen Weixing - Schlager's club colleague at SVS Niederösterreich lost in the second round in Rotterdam against the Russian player Alexander Shibaev but still got his ticket for London 2012 – Ranking: 20th

Huang Yi-Hua - Taiwan's number one of the WSA partner club SVS STRÖCK was announced as number 15 by the ITTF for the Olympics. Welcome to London.

Daniela Dodean - Romania's number one and star player of SVS STRÖCK is ranked 20th in the Olympic rankings


In addition to the positive rankings in the race for the Olympics, there are some furthersuccesses made ​​by the WSA:

Stefan Fegerl - The SVS and team youngster went up in the ranking by an astonishing 21 places and is (ex aequo with his friend and WSA training partner Daniel Habesohn) already at World No. 103.

Noshade Alamiyan - Iran's number one and permanent guest player in Schwechat is ranked number 144 at the moment and moved forward by 36 places. At the World Cup in Rotterdam he was coached by WSA head coach Richard Prause.

Nicole Galitschitsch - Austria's young female hope is constantly improving since entering into the WSA. This month she went up 75 places in the world ranking (!): Number 511. In the Under-18 world ranking she is already ranked number 152 (previously 189).

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