New guests at the WSA



The Werner Schlager Academy bursting at the seams.


This week, among others, a strong youth delegation from Russia and the U.S. sibling pair Prachi and Kanak Jha, two exceptional talents that are funded by the ITTF, arrived in Schwechat near Vienna.


Prachi and Kanak Jha are the major forces in their respective age groups (U 15 and U 13) in the U.S. ranking system.


Already permanent guests are the young Japanese team players Yuto Muramatsu, Yuto Higashi, and Asuka Sakai and with the SVS Niederösterreich newcomer Leung Chu Yan (Hong Kong), another prominent and strong training partner joined the international WSA training group.


In October's European Championships in Denmark, the WSA will be represented with about 15 players.

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