ITTF & ETTU hold a meeting at the WSA at the same time


Photo: WSA

On Monday September the 7th the Werner Schlager Academy in Schwechat experiences another highlight.

Besides the regular operation of the (inter-) national WSA-training-group, the world-table tennis training-center in the heart of Europe has special visitors.
Two hot-spots will take place at the same time, next door to each other in the premises of the WSA.


Hot-Spot 1:

The international federation ITTF under the direction of the Viennese European-Champion in the Doubles from 2005 Karl Jindrak, organizes a workshop for its staff in their European head office on the second floor of the building. Jindrak is now the “Competition Director” of the biggest sport federation of the world with its 222 member nations.


Hot-Spot 2:

Two floors deeper in the WSA-complex the 1st Women Table Tennis Coaches seminar of the European federation ETTU will take place.
Headed by the ETTU-Vice-President Ivo Goran Munivrana and coordinated and organized by the WSA-Women-Headcoach Neven Cegnar who is at the same time ETTU Development Manager, not less than 24 guests from 17 (!) different nations will participate at this top-class ETTU seminar.
The seminar welcomes two “special guests”. One of them: Li Xiaodong, Chinas highest table tennis headcoach who will give a lecture regarding “footwork in modern table tennis”. The second special guest is Polona Cehovin Susin, the ITTF Director of Education and Training who will also give a presentation.


The high number of participants at the ETTU-Women-Coaches seminar is a bit surprising, but shows that the European National-Table Tennis Bosses have realized that there is need for action and a need for catching up in comparison to China and Asia. The WSA in Schwechat now ushers in a new era…

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