3rd Place in the top 12


Werner Schlager reached 3rd place in the European Top 12 tournament in Lüttich. In the group games, Schlager celebrated two successes against Pär Gerell (Sweden / 4:1) and Bastian Steger (Germany / 4:3), in the quarter finals he defeated Romania's number one ranked Adrian Crisan (4:0). It was not until the semi finals that Schlager's victorious streak was stopped by the Greek player Kalinikos Kreanga  

And how did the other Austrians fare?


The vice-European master, Lui Jia, 3 months pregnant, reached the quarter finals after a 4:1 victory over the German ranked number 1, Wu Kiaduo, where she had to bow to Hu Melek (Turkey). Chen Weixing and Robert Gardos, as well as the Romanian Daniela Dodean who plays for SVS STRÖCK, reached 9th place during the European elite tournament.

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