From victory to victory



The WSA-partner club remains on the road to victory in the Women's European Champions League with a three-set win in the Group A preliminary round.


In Hungary, it was a 3 – 0 victory against the Hungarian champion Budaörsi SC.


Daniela Dodean (3:2 against Sandra pergola), Ying Fan (3:1 against Emma Recko) and Li Qiangbing (3:1 against Cornelia Molnar) ensured the points for the Austrian Women's Champion.


The last group match in the preliminary round is to be held on

Monday 12 December (19:30, WSA Hall) against Budaörsi, needing only a 1 – 3 defeat to advance into the next round.


Tickets for this contest in Schwechat are still available at the box office

for 5 €.

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