Europe looks to Schwechat



The European Table Tennis Union (ETTU) will make the Werner Schlager Academy and the Multiversum in Schwechat the center of European table tennis for two days.


In an ETTU workshop (8 / 9 June), the future of European table tennis will be discussed. The highlight of the two-day meeting will occur in the early afternoon of 9 June, when the gentlemen's and ladies' Champions League draw will be held.


Both partner teams of the Werner Schlager Academy (SVS Niederösterreich for the men and SVS STRÖCK for the women) submitted their entries for the Champion League season 2011/2012 and therefore, there is great interest in the draw.


The European Union is sending representatives to the two-day conference including Marketing Chief Maurizio Evangelista, General Secretary Jeanny Dom, and Champions League Manager Lilamani de Soysa. 

Also, defending champion Borussia Dusseldorf (conquerors of the SVS Niederösterreich in the semifinals) is sending a representative to the Multiversum in Schwechat.

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