Don’t worry! The restructuring is in progress!


Photo: Floyd

With the start of the insolvency and restructuring process by the Werner Schlager Academy Betriebs GmbH (WSA), Mag. Katharina Kolland-Twaroch started her work as liquidator and gained the first insights about the current situation of the WSA.

She conducted conversations with the employees as well as with the responsibles of the city of Schwechat: “Now we are working intensely on solutions which should guarantee a second chance for this project. Luckily the initiation of a restructuring process offers new possibilities of action.”

The solidarity among the WSA employees is very high and many national and international partners offered their help and showed a big interest in the continuance of the world class table tennis training center with ITTF Academy status.

“Naturally the one or other knot still has to be untied but I’m very confident that we can accomplish that” states Mag. Kolland-Twaroch.


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