DHS Europe Cup with WSA participation



Hardly ending 2013, there are already determined the highlights for 2014.


The DHS Europe Cup, from 7 to 9 February 2014 in the city of Lausanne in the Swiss canton of Vaud.


At this invitational tournament with a price money of total 50,000 € all top European players will be at the start.


Among the prominent names are of course the figureheads of Werner Schlager Academy as Marcos Freitas (ETTU No. 4, ITTF No. 17), Alexander Shibaev (ETTU No. 12, ITTF No. 41), Robert Gardos (ETTU No. 13, ITTF No. 42) and Daniela Dodean-Monteiro (ETTU No. 16, ITTF No. 49).


They are fighting for prize money and self-confidence for the next year and so enthralling games are guaranteed. Replacing the ‘Swiss Table Tennis Open Lausanne' and the' Europe Top 12’, the DHS Europe Cup is one of the most important competitions in Europe.


Tournament website: http://www.sttopen.ch/en/node/172

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