Big stage for Tetyana Bilenko



Honorable invitation for the new top player of WSA partner club SVS STRÖCK, Tetyana Bilenko.

The Ukraine, at the World Championships in Paris in May sensational ninth in singles and best native European, these days competes at an invitational tournament of a different kind in China Baoding: the duel attack against defense.

The 29-year-old world class defender plays in a team with the also registered at SVS STRÖCK Chinese Fan Ying, with Hu Limei (China), with the German top player Irene Ivancan and will compete against absolute top players such as Li Xiaoxia, Chen Meng (both China), Elisabetha Samara (Romania) or Huang Yi Hua (Taiwan / formerly SVS STRÖCK).

The tournament is played on two evenings. Chinese television CCTV 5 will broadcast the whole event live.

Directly after her China trip Tetyana Bilenko pitches her tent for training in the Werner Schlager Academy in order to prepare together with the SVS STRÖCK team for the first serious Champions League match on

7 September in Istanbul.

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