A High-level Meeting




A collaborative agreement among Shanghai University, the Chinese Table Tennis Association, the Werner Schlager Academy (WSA) and the ÖTTV has been secured to help create the future in table tennis.



On Sunday, the final day of the World Team Championships in Dortmund, a meeting with the highest level representatives in the organizations was convened to continue to mature this exciting initiative among the parties. 


China's Sports Minister Cai Zenhua, former World Champion runner-up and then many years the head coach of the national team, took the opportunity to meet with representatives of the City of Schwechat – Mayor Hannes Fazekas and Municipal Service Director Francis Kucharowits – and the senior leadership of the Werner Schlager Academy (Werner Schlager and Martin Sörös), as well as ÖTTV-General Rudolf Sporrer.


In the meeting, Cai Zenhua once again emphasized the excellent cooperation among the Chinese Association, the WSA and the Austrian Federation.

He also thanked the WSA for the outstanding hospitality afforded the Chinese athletes each year in Austria.

He then described the future projects among the Chinese Association, Shanghai University and the WSA as of critical importance to the development of the sport in Europe, and its value to China itself.

As in all other times, Cai Zenhua paid tribute, in the most respectful manner, to Werner Schlager.


Schwechat Mayor Hannes Fazekas presented Cai Zenhua a book on Austria written in the Chinese language and also promised to support the project of this common future in the highest degree possible.


In the coming months, further details of the cooperative agreement will be worked out. Later this autumn, a contract will be signed and the work will begin!

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